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Aquarium fish

Recognising and preventing fish diseases in aquarium fish

Recognising and preventing fish diseases in aquarium fish

Unfortunately, health problems in aquarium fish are not uncommon. Under certain circumstances, the aquatic inhabitants can suffer from various fish diseases, some of which are highly contagious and can even be fatal for the animals. In the following, you will learn about common fish diseases in aqu...
Siamese fighting fish: Tips on keeping and food

Siamese fighting fish: Tips on keeping and food

The Siamese Fighting Fish, also known as Betta fish, is very popular due to its attractive appearance. Despite its name and the fact that male Siamese Fighting Fish can engage in fierce fights, they are a relatively easy-to-keep species that can coexist peacefully with smaller catfish. In the follo...
Snails in the aquarium: welcome enrichment or annoying pests?

Snails in the aquarium: welcome enrichment or annoying pests?

In addition to fish, snails can also be kept in the aquarium. These invertebrates are available in eye-catching colors and can contribute to an appealing appearance of the tank. However, snails are not always desired in the aquarium and can even become a true nuisance. In the following, you will l...
Steel-helmeted snail: everything you need to know about keeping and food

Steel-helmeted snail: everything you need to know about keeping and food

The helmet snail is a species of snail belonging to the family of river snails and originally hails from the coastal regions of the Indo-Pacific. It has been gaining popularity in the aquarium hobby for quite some time now. In the following, you will learn about the important aspects of keeping hel...
Swordtails: everything you need to know about keeping and food

Swordtails: everything you need to know about keeping and food

The Swordtail belongs to the family of livebearing toothcarps. It originates from Central America and has long been one of the most popular aquarium fish. In the following, we will explain what you need to consider when keeping Swordtails in the aquarium and what food is suitable for these attracti...
Tetra: everything you need to know about keeping and food

Tetra: everything you need to know about keeping and food

The Rosy Tetra, also known as the Rosy Barb, is a representative of the Characin family. Rosy Tetras are social and peaceful fish, making them suitable for beginners in the field of aquarium keeping. In the following, we will explain what is important when keeping Rosy Tetras and what you n...
The optimal place for an aquarium: A guide for aquarium fans

The optimal place for an aquarium: A guide for aquarium fans

Choosing the Ideal Location for Your Aquarium Aquariums are not only a home for your fish but also an aesthetic highlight in any room. Choosing the right location is crucial for the well-being of your aquatic inhabitants and the overall presentation of your aquarium. In this blog, you will l...
The Rummy-nose Tetra: Information About Appearance and Nutrition

The Rummy-nose Tetra: Information About Appearance and Nutrition

The rummy-nose tetra is a small freshwater fish from South America. It belongs to the family of characins. The most distinctive feature of the rummy-nose tetra is its head, which is red.  Although the rummy-nose tetra has some requirements when kept in the aquarium, it has long since...
The Serpae Tetra: Everything You Need to Know

The Serpae Tetra: Everything You Need to Know

The serpae tetra is a fresh water from South America. It belongs to the family of the real characins. Because of its attractive appearance and rather low standards regarding its keeping, the blood tetra has become a popular ornamental fish in the aquarium industry. Characteristics ...
What needs do fish have? A friendly insight into aquaristics

What needs do fish have? A friendly insight into aquaristics

Fish are fascinating creatures that introduce us to the wonderful world of aquaristics. Although they are often considered easy to care for, they also have specific needs that are essential for their well-being. In this blog, we explore what fish need to live healthily and happily in your ...
Showing 21 to 30 of 39 (4 Pages)